Nationwide Flower Delivery

Flower Delivery in Ireland 

Flower Bouquet

We work hard to provide flower delivery service to all our discerning customers who want a uniquely luxury experience. You can trust the expert florists at Lamber de Bie to create a beautiful seasonal bouquet for you, using the freshest blooms direct from our growers. We always set out to make the choice as easy as possible for you. We also allow you to add additional requests to your order to individualise your bouquet when we create this gift.

The style of bouquet that Lamber has made his own and his team of florists now work with is a seasonal, loose and natural bouquet almost as if it was picked from his stunning Irish garden. Lamber throughout his business always puts nature and the environment first.

Our flowers and foliage are sourced from local growers where possible. All packaging is recyclable and the beautiful box your flowers will arrive in is made, designed and printed in Ireland.

You can choose the size of bouquet you would like us to send by choosing one of the different size options we have on our florist website as well as choosing the different colour options.

Seasonal Flowers

Send a Vibrant Colour Mix Flower Bouquet 

You may like to send a Vibrant colour mix bouquet for that special celebration of a friend. Whatever the season is, whether Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. We will choose flowers that are at their very best that time and create a vibrant colourful bouquet to send to the person you would like us to deliver to. And this can be in every county in Ireland, And yes this includes Northern Ireland.

Pink Bouquet of Flowers

Send a Pink Flower Bouquet 

For a somewhat softer and more feminine bouquet you may choose to go for a arrangement in Shades of Pink. Again our florists will pick fresh blooms, that arrive into our florist studio every day in different tones of pinks to create your gift. Our florists love to create every individual bouquet just for you.

White and Green Flowers

Send a Classic Flower Bouquet of Whites and Greens

The white and green combination is still one of the most popular choices all trough every season from spring, summer trough to winter. These colour combinations will work in every home or business setting alike and have a touch of class when arranged in a vase.

So if you are looking to send flowers to yourself, a friend, a loved one or as a gesture of thank you or support to a business - there is no better choice than to order online at Lamber de Bie Flowers!

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