50 Red Roses Bouquet
Luxury Romantic Flowers with 50 Naomi Roses.
We’ve carefully selected the finest large-headed Red Roses, along with stunning seasonal foliage, to create an exquisite, hand-tied bouquet. A Dozen Red Roses Bouquet is a very stylish, romantic gift perfect for your loved one on Valentine's Day, a special birthday, your anniversary, engagement or just to say: I love you!
We always use the best Naomi Red Rose from the award winning growers at Porta Nova.
Our pictures show the 50 Roses bouquet option, Click on the 100 roses option for larger bouquet with 100 stunning roses.
Our Bouquet Sizes
Most of our bouquets are offered in three sizes, Classic, Luxury and Deluxe. In the picture, we have our Love Bouquet shown in all size options. All the bouquets on our website, offered in three sizes, are shown at the Luxury size. We believe in creating bouquets that wow with the flower content as well as their generous size.

The Experience
We offer free, next day delivery to anywhere in Ireland and Northern Ireland. All our bouquets are safely and securely packaged in a beautiful presentation gift box which, of course, is 100% recyclable. All of our gift bouquets come with a handwritten card with the message of your choice.


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